Monday, November 9, 2009



I have no idea what I am doing but I do know that I wanted to start a blog and I hope to learn from others and, maybe ...just MAYBE, I can share some kind of knowledge with someone else that might be beneficial. If nothing else, I hope to be able to learn how to pass on some of the GREAT SITES I have found to help out around your HOME, help with your CHILDREN, help with MOTIVATION and FAITH, help with Schedules and Cleaning (watch out! Those that really "know" me, know that I have a touch of OCD! LOL!!!)

Anyway, I've already raised one set of children and am working on the second time around. I know some things, am learning some things, don't have a clue about some things, and just plain don't agree with some things (sorry you know we all have these thoughts sometimes). So here we go...I may be a little haphazard to begin with but I'm sure that with time I will find my in this Blogging and get focused and get better and better! HANG IN THERE WITH ME...HERE WE GO!

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A Pretty Little Princess, A Handsome Prince, and The Old Lady in the Middle

A Pretty Little Princess, A Handsome Prince, and The Old Lady in the Middle
Nana Mama and the Grandbabies